







       英雄联盟s4(第四赛季)主题曲叫《Warriors》,于2014年9月22日美国环球公司发行。由Riot Games(拳头游戏)设邀,由美国独立摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons(梦龙)演奏。


       Warriors? 勇士

       演唱者:Imagine Dragons

       As a child, you would wait


       And watch from far away.


       But you always knew that you'll be the one


       that work while they all play.


       And you, you lay, awake at night and scheme


       of all the things that you would change,


       but it was just a dream!


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       From Dust.


       The time will come, when you'll have to rise


       above the best, improve yourself,


       your spirit never dies!


       Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne above


       don't weep for me


       Cuz this will be the labor of my love


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       From Dust.


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       Here we are, don't turn away now,


       we are the warriors that built this town.


       From Dust.























       试听地址:这首歌的英文歌名叫做《STAR WALKIN\'》,中文版的名字是《逐星》,演唱者是一位来自于美国的说唱歌手利尔·纳斯·X,1999年,作为美国著名的说唱歌手和拳头游戏合作,演唱2022全球总决赛主题曲《STAR WALKIN》,歌曲MV的突出主题是:逐星旅程,此志无双,飞去银海,我辈志在远方。生命若不息,前行永不停,逐星至天明。



       STAR WALKIN\' - Lil Nas X

       Lyrics by:Montero Hill/Omer Fedi/Henry Walter

       Composed by:Montero Hill/Omer Fedi/Henry Walter

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       On a mission to get high up I know that

       Imma die reachin for a life that I don\'t really need at all

       Never listened to replies learned a lesson from the wise

       You should never take advice from a ni**a

       That ain\'t try

       They said I wouldn\'t make it out alive

       They told me I would never see the rise

       That\'s why I gotta kill \'em every time

       Gotta watch \'em bleed too

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Been that ni**a since I came out my mama

       Thanking God daddy never wore a condom

       Prove \'em wrong every time til it\'s normal

       Why worship legends when you know that you can join \'em

       These ni**s don\'t like me they don\'t like me

       Likely they wanna fight me

       Come on try it out try me

       They put me down but I never cried out

       Why me words from the wise

       Don\'t put worth inside a n***a

       That ain\'t try

       They said I wouldn\'t make it out alive

       They told me I would never see the rise

       That\'s why I gotta kill \'em every time

       Gotta watch \'em bleed too

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'



       就是调声音和亮度那里把屏幕最下拉上来就可以设置的。 楼主也可以尝试下我自己在玩的游戏,喜欢LOL的话应该会喜欢王牌对决的,游戏里的人物愤怒时的表情活灵活现,而且也可以捏人属于自己的卡通形象呢。音乐超有节奏感随着角色的动作时高时低增加了代入感,而且玩法多样,僵尸玩法就是随机有玩家会变成僵尸持续到最后的那类胜利但僵尸也会受到攻击哦。好多技能都可以同时在空中进行攻击并且这的武器还原度很高、里面有很多著名的动漫人物历史人物和明星加入,非常的漂亮的人物哈哈打斗一点都不死板有灵动性、你爱玩的模式应该都有,腾讯游戏王牌对决是个让人感到轻松的游戏呢



       本次主题曲的作曲是拳头游戏首席作曲家Sebastian Najand和 Alex Seaver of Mako,他们曾共同创作过《Legends Never Die》、《Rise》、《Awaken》等歌曲。



       NewJeans()是HYBE旗下厂牌ADOR于2022年7月22日推出的女子演唱组合,由金玟池(MINJI)、HANNI(Ph?m Ng?c H?n)、DANIELLE(Danielle Marsh、)、姜谐潾(HAERIN)、李惠仁(HYEIN)五名成员组成。

       组合名“NewJeans”表达了成为时代偶像的愿望,就像每天都能找到并且任何时候都不会厌倦的牛仔裤,也包含了成为“New Genes”的决心。

       2022年7月22日,公开首张迷你专辑《New Jeans》的第一首主打歌《Attention》的MV并正式出道;7月23日,公开第二首主打歌《Hype Boy》的MV;7月25日,公开收录曲《Hurt》的MV;8月1日,公开首张迷你专辑《New Jeans》的音源及第三首主打歌《Cookie》的MV。

       8月8日,实体专辑正式发行,刷新了历代女团出道专辑首周销量的最高纪录;8月12日,歌曲《Attention》成为近五年K-POP偶像出道歌曲中唯一一首在主要音源实时榜达成“All Kill”的歌曲。2023年1月2日,发行首张单曲专辑《OMG》;7月21日,发行第二张迷你专辑《Get Up》。
